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Keep your job options open and don’t ditch science when choosing next year’s school subjects

Today’s teenagers have grown up in a world shaped by science. Most don’t know life without the internet and have the world at their fingertips (and parents to help) through computers, smartphones and other connected devices.


Keen IT students can improve their marks when given a chance to learn from their mistakes

In our curriculum design, we should shift the focus from penalising the mistakes students make, to how well they can learn from and improve upon their mistakes.


Love for language: it's who we are and where we're from

"Language shouldn't be allowed to die," said Mr Wyatt, who was a former teacher and later director of Aboriginal education in WA before entering politics. "At citizenship ceremonies, one of the first things I say is do not let your children not retain your mother tongue."


'The benefits are immeasurable': Schools that are small and proud

"Whilst the numbers are very small, the benefits for a lot of our kids are immeasurable. The opportunities they get they wouldn’t get in a big school, particularly in leadership and responsibility."

Fewer casual positions and less out-of-hours work could help retain early career teachers

Educating teachers who leave the profession early is a wasteful and inefficient use of public funds. Educational funding is diverted from school resources and facilities to recruitment and replacement.


On an average day, only 1% of Australian news stories quoted a young person. No wonder so few trust the media

Young people's voices, stories and expertise must be taken seriously. It's time to think about how children and young people can be meaningfully included in national conversations


Why liking your teachers can boost your results

'The benefits of having more positive relationships with teachers are far more significant than the impacts of negative relationships for students and can shape their overall educational aspiration'


Literacy skills – our ability to read, spell and write – are fundamental not only for educational achievement, but also for a range of future life skills.

An independent evaluation by researchers finds that an intensive phonics-based intervention program for students struggling to read can improve foundational skills

Class act: scholarships helping youth at risk finish school

Year 11 student Paige Baker confronted this dilemma more times than she cared to count in the past few years, as the state moved her from one out-of-home residential care facility to another.


Hopes study showing girls just as good at STEM subjects as boys will inspire budding female scientists

"Society didn't expect me to be good at mathematics, so there was an expectation issue, and this became a confidence issue," Professor Johnston said.