The View Vitals 

Check here for important updates for you to action

Foundation 2023 Enrolments

Thank you to all the families who have sent through their enrolment forms and accompanying documentation for their children who are commencing Foundation at Rangeview in 2023. 


If you have not enrolled as yet we would encourage you to do so by the due date Friday 12th August as this will assist with the planning of the transition program, which commences on Thursday 13th October.


Please download and return the completed Student Enrolment Form along with the Get to Know You Form, a copy of the child's Birth Certificate & Immunisation Records and include a copy of your latest electricity or gas bill. 

2023 Intentions

Please let the office know if you are planning not to return to Rangeview in 2023 so that we can plan our classes for next year. 

Level 3 Camp

Payment and consent for the Level 3 Camp is due by Wednesday 3rd August, which can be done through the Compass app. If you have any questions or would like to pay in person, please speak to the staff in the Office. 


If you're looking to purchase an Entertainment Membership - which gives you access to lots of savings on Takeaway, dining, shopping, groceries, gift cards, activities and more - scan the QR code above, and Rangeview will receive 20% of each membership towards our fundraising efforts. 


Our wonderful Parents and Friends Committee still has some Rangeview Beanies available for sale at the Office and the Uniform Shop for $18 each. We ask that you label the beanie with the student's name immediately for a quick return if misplaced.

Tissues for classrooms

Each year we ask that students please supply a box of tissues to their classroom. As we are now heading into the colder months, we are finding the classrooms are running a little low. If anyone is able to bring a box of tissues to their classrooms, that would be greatly appreciated. 


Thank you, 

The Office Team