Teaching and Learning 


In May 2022, Level 3 and Level 5 students took part in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). It was the first year that Level 3 and 5 students at RPS completed NAPLAN online (excluding Level 3 Writing, which was completed on paper). Secondary school students also take part in Years 7 and 9.


NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents to see how their child is progressing in literacy and numeracy against the national standard and compared with their peers throughout Australia. At the classroom level, NAPLAN provides additional information to support teachers’ professional judgement about student progress. 

Students completed assessments in the areas of:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation)
  • Numeracy

Each year level results are reported against six bands.

  • Year 3 student reports show bands 1–6. The national minimum standard is band 2.
  • Year 5 student reports show bands 3–8. The national minimum standard is band 4.


We are pleased to advise that our results across all areas are very strong, well above state and national results. Congratulations to all students that took part.


Please see our school results below. Rangeview Primary School is represented by the orange box and whisker representations.


Year 3


Year 5


Please note, that individual student results for parents are not yet available. These are coming soon and we will let you know when they are available. 



At Rangeview Primary School, we strongly believe in student engagement and students having agency into their learning. With this in mind, we have begun a Spotlight On Learning at our School Assemblies. Each week a child from each level will be chosen to talk at assembly and discuss how they are engaged in their learning and something that has 'stuck' with them this week. This week we heard from the following students; Kate and Ayla from 56K.


This term, the Grade 5/6's were introduced to the World of Business as part of our Maths and Inquiry units. Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about tax and how adults use tax. I'm glad I'm not an adult yet! We also learnt about needs versus wants and how certain products can help us and the environment. We watched a Shark Tank video where students were trying to sell products in front of their teachers. I found it interesting as the class all have a voice and different opinions about the product. We are learning about businesses, not only for education, but to get ready for the School Fair coming up later this year, where we will market and sell our own products. Exciting!

- Kate, 56K


One of the things we just started doing in 5/6 is Literacy Circles, where each week we get to read a few chapters of a book and then share our learning with other students that are reading the same book in our class. By doing that we get to see other people's opinions and visualisations of their Literacy Circle book. My Literacy Circle book is His Name is Walter by Emily Rodda. I found it engaging when my group and I tried to discover the different layers of mystery in the book.

-Ayla, 56K.


Happy Learning!


April Warfield

Acting Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning