A Word from the Principal 

Ms Kylie Campbell

A Warm Welcome to our Weeden Heights Community

Principal Page- newsletter T3W4


A warm welcome to our community this week……

I hope that everyone is staying warm in this very cold and windy weather!  It has certainly felt a little warmer as we head out of Winter.




Last week, we saw a significant increase in Covid cases along with general illnesses including the flu.  After 2.5 years of managing to avoid the virus at Weeden Heights PS, our school was significantly ‘hit’ last week and this unfortunately included staff this time. Thanks for your patience and flexibility everyone.  We do appreciate your support. 


The office also sent out more RAT kits for you to assist in monitoring your child/ren’s health.  Thank you to the parents who read my School Stream post and responded by ensuring that children were kept home.  


Please be mindful to test regularly, be vigilant of hygiene practices and  please do not send your child to school if they show any symptoms. This includes coughs, sneezes, runny nose, sore stomachs, headaches, etc. I understand the list is extensive, however we need to work together to keep each other safe and healthy. If you need more RAT kits then please contact the office. 


Should your child test positive please let the office know ASAP and record the positive result with the Department of Health.  It is good to note that the Department of Education has some home learning tasks available should you be in isolation with your child and looking for work to do.  The Department has prepared online learning activities that may be useful in instances where families are seeking additional activities and support for your child’s learning while isolating.



Capital Works Update

This term you will begin to notice some movement across the school as we begin to prepare for the capital works which commence in term 4.  Students in grades prep, one and two will be relocating to the top corridor along with a few other changes:

  • Prep will move into room 5 (STEAM room)
  • Grade 1 will be in room 11 (where our green screen work has been completed)
  • Grade 2 will move into room 10 (currently the FRENCH room)
  • STEAM has already relocated to the hall
  • French classes will be held in the student’s classroom and Delphine will go mobile when she is teaching
  • The old computer lab has now been fully removed with the purchase of Chrome books to form a mobile lab
  • The library has been relocated on the lower level (computer lab space)
  • OSHC will be permanently relocating to the hall
  • The staffroom will temporarily relocate to the kitchen in the hall
  • The administration office will be relocated to the library so entrance to the office will be through the library courtyard
  • The toilet block in the hall will be open to student during the day and at breaks
  • The art room will still be in operation as an art room in the lower corridor

Two storage sheds are being built at the end of this term. One will be used to house the PE equipment (and will become a permanent arrangement) and some furniture etc during the upgrade.  It will be located at the end of the top basketball court.  The second shed will be built behind the hall and will hold furniture during the move.  It will go on to  house the large PE equipment (high jump mats etc), PFA cupboard, hall tables etc.  It will be a great asset for the school.


All of the student toilets will be refurbished over the Christmas holidays which is extremely positive and will make cleaner and safer spaces for our students.  The painting of the whole school is scheduled over the holidays as well.  Fingers crossed in this environment, it all goes to plan!


School Council grounds sub-committee will be calling for assistance with mini working bees so if you have time, it would be great to have some assistance. 


Years 3 – 6 Camp to Lady Northcote

Wow, wow, wow!, is all I can say and I really wish that all of our parents could have been a ‘fly on the wall’ at camp.  The students were amazing and I am so thankful that I got to spend two days there. I saw the biggest smiles, loads of talking and working together and students pushing themselves to try new things.  I loved it! 


We are most fortunate that camps are a part of our curriculum and we get to do this as a part of our job. I was absolutely thrilled that finally, after three years, our students got to take part in the long awaited camp.  The camp site was perfect for our school as while the camps sites were separate, our siblings and friends still came together at the end of the day to eat their dinner together.  This is definitely true ‘Weeden style’ and considering years 3, 4 & 5 had never been on an outdoor education camp, they were reassured with their school that they could do this. 


A massive thank you to our staff and parent helpers who gave up their time to give our children a positive and memorable experience. 


100 Days at School!

This week our foundation year level achieved a significant milestone.  Congratulations to our Prep students who have now been attending school for 100 days! That is a big achievement. The feature of the day was the preps dressing up as if they were 100 years old.  I was stunned how they stayed in character, acting frail as they struggled to sit on the floor or relying on their walking stick to move around the school. 


They celebrated with many special activities for students and engaged in fun numeracy and literacy activities involving 100.  Well done Preps! Parents should be very proud of these wonderful young people for what they have achieved so far in their schooling.  Please make sure you take a look at the photos on Facebook.


Cyber Safety: Think You Know ICT presentation

I would just like to encourage all of our parents to come along to the cyber-safety presentation that is happening after school in a few weeks.  The student’s knowledge and understanding of apps on devices far outweighs ours so the opportunity to hear from the federal police will be invaluable.  It is really important that all of our students are safe online at all times and we all, as adults, have a part to play in this.  I have encouraged staff to attend as well so we can all be as up to date as possible.  The presentation will also give practical advice on how you can keep your children safe at home. 


Book Week

Book Week is coming soon so start thinking of some great costumes for your children to wear in the parade.  I love how nearly everyone gets dressed up at Weeden Heights. We certainly enjoy our dress up days. I just wanted to let you know that we have secured Australian author, Kelly Wilson, for a day.  She will conduct sessions at school for our students and she will also have her new books on sale.  I’m sure we will be able to get her to sign copies as well.  We have purchased her books for the library as well. It will be an inspiring session for our students as Kelly writes about her life and in particular, her pets. Look out for information which will come out soon. 



Workforce Planning

Preparations for 2023 have already started.  It is that time of the year when I begin to work out staffing and budgeting for the next year.  I do need your support so that the leadership team and myself can make the best decisions for the school.


If you intend leaving Weeden Heights and your children will be starting at another school next year, can you please let me know, in writing, so that we can make the necessary adjustments to our calculations.  If you also have a pre schooler starting school and you have not enrolled, then please do so asap so that they are considered in the plan.   Please do not leave it to the last minute as it does have a profound effect on the proposed budget.   Having accurate student enrolments is critical in establishing a sound budget


Reminder about Personal Items bought to School

The Department of Education and Training (DET) does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools. Anything that students or staff choose to bring to school is at their own risk.  Principals have been requested to remind students and parents/guardians of this and to discourage parents/students from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school. Please try and avoid bringing these items as it can be most upsetting for all concerned if items go missing or are damaged.


Until next time……

Kylie Campbell


Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights!