Senior School







Term 3 is the busiest, and in some ways, the most stressful term of the school year in the Senior School. VCE students in Unit 4 are pushing to complete the last of their instruction and assessment before commencing the focused revision for VCAA examinations. The time is limited and so the weekly timetable for SACs has become a little more ‘crowded’. VTAC registrations have made the experience very real, as students have had to, not only consider their choices but actually make decisions about the direction they will move in after Year 12. This can be a daunting task but luckily our students have experienced and caring staff available, who are willing to provide additional support and time, to assist them to make informed decisions. One of the busiest staff members is Michelle Mascaro, our Careers Advisor. Her work between now and the end of the year is critical. She is available to help our students with the registration process and to find pathways to their desired courses and potential careers. I take this opportunity to thank Michelle for her tireless work, supporting and chasing our students, with a sense of humour and a keen eye for the right detail.


It is at this time that our students all seem to have a birthday, and get their learner’s permit or driver’s licence. It is essential that common sense and personal responsibility are in place to make informed and sensible decisions. To help students navigate the process and avoid distractions, we have been lucky to have had presentations from Sonya Karras and last year’s School Captains Angelica Athanasakis and Alexander Logan. Students have the knowledge and now just need to apply the relevant skills to achieve success. 


Sharron Frame

Head of Middle and Senior School

Year 12

Over the last few weeks, we have had several productive pastoral sessions designed to support and motivate our Year 12 students as they navigate their final few weeks of class and begin to focus on the preparation for the upcoming VCAA examinations.


With changes this year to the format of the VCAA GAT, we have focused on the new Section A, which determines the literacy and numeracy skills of all Year 12 students. Universities and tertiary providers are looking at the standard of potential students, to ensure students have the requisite skills to cope with the rigour of study in the tertiary sector. The recent “Practice Mini GAT” allowed students to see what this looks like. I would like to thank Angela Korlos, VCE Academic Leader - Mathematics and Science, for her presentation on the numeracy section. 


It is important that students feel supported at this time in the year. An opportunity to enjoy each other’s company was organised in the form of a shared meal prior to Angela’s session. Year 12 students enjoyed more pieces of chicken from KFC than I can count (it took five trips from the counter to the car to pick up the chicken) as part of a pastoral lunch with their teachers. 


There’s no doubt that it is a stressful time of year for the students of Year 12, and as we progress towards the end of Term 3, it is crucial that students stay motivated and organised. As part of the Pastoral program, we have spoken about strategies to help with motivation during these final weeks of class work and assessment. I want to thank the Pastoral team of Louis Panagopoulos, Hui Harvey and Michelle Mascaro for their tireless support of the Year 12s, particularly during this time of the year. 


Andrew Phillips

Year 12 Coordinator

Years 10 and 11







Term 3 has been busy for our students as we reach the business end of the year. Our Year 10 students are preparing for their Careers Week program, while the Year 11 students work hard to finish their VCE assessments in preparation for examinations in Term 4. Excitement is also growing, in anticipation of the Year 11 Formal, to be held in Week 9. 


Our Year 10 students are now on the home stretch with their Personal Projects and are in the initial stages of preparing for the Inaugural Oakleigh Grammar Personal Project Exhibition. The exhibition will give students an opportunity to showcase their work, culminating from their five years of MYP. It has been a long journey, but the hope is that many lessons have been learned along the way. We look forward to welcoming our greater Oakleigh Grammar community to attend the exhibition. The students have been hard at work; we hope it will be a rewarding experience. 


Our Year 11 students have been spending their Pastoral sessions learning about how to be safe when out with their friends. Whether it be at a party, out late in the city, or just at a gathering with friends, students have discussed ways in which they can be safe and ensure that they keep each other safe and out of danger. Our Year 11s are now at an age where they are curious about alcohol, and going to parties and will no doubt encounter situations that require responsible decision-making. The message from us is not one of “go out and party” but rather, be safe in all you do and make sure you are with people you trust, who will look after you and won’t lead you astray.


Manoj Patel

Years 10 & 11 Coordinator