SRC News

In Term 2 a group of students who have an interest in improving the school came together to form the Student Representative Council. To be led by students, who want to make a difference for the betterment of our school. 


We’ve held meetings and discussions around major topics concerning the student caucus and the school more broadly. This has culminated in the signing of the governing body’s constitution, making the rules and goals of the SRC, and an act to begin the creation of a school flag. But our most recent work involves raising money for the production in two fundraiser events/activities. 


Other goals for the future are to tackle fundamental issues in the school that the students, teachers, and faculty want to be changed for the better. I am very optimistic about the future of the SRC, and its growth will help fuel the change of the school into the best version of itself. 


We are still open to new members, if you would like to join, please come and see myself or Ms Kavanagh, it is a great way to meet mew friends and make a difference. 


Ethan Barry 9A

Leader of the SRC