What's happening in our classroom  


Students have been learning about narratives. Through the use of rich mentor texts, they have explored the structure of a narrative- title, orientation, complication, series of events and resolution. They have learnt more about nouns, past tense verbs and time connectives and are better able to identify these words in narratives. They have also improved their knowledge of synonyms and how their use can make our narrative writing more interesting and appealing to the audience. The students enjoyed making a synonyms booklet to use during writing sessions. Students have had a go at rewriting the orientation as well as the resolution of a narrative by adding more descriptive language.



This term, students have continued their focus on addition and subtraction and looking at the connection between these two processes. They have learnt about the ‘Split Strategy’ with both addition and subtraction and have revisited the skill of expanding two and three numbers. They have learnt about transformations and have practised flipping, sliding and rotating various shapes and objects. They had a lot of fun using their creativity to make tangram pictures. Students have explored addition using money and the different ways of representing various money amounts. They also recently celebrated 500 Days of School and participated in various activities such as recording equations that total 500, making a 500 hat, creating a picture out of the number 500, writing 500 words, investigating how many animals would make 500 legs, recording number patterns to 500, etc. 



Students are currently learning about ‘Bully Prevention in Positive Behaviour Support’ which is a program being implemented throughout the school. They have looked at what constitutes respectful and disrespectful behaviour and have been given the opportunity to act out various role-plays in small groups to show what they would do when faced with different situations, both in the classroom and in the school yard. They have learnt about the STOP/WALK/TALK approach in building confidence to independently solve their own problems with their peers. 



This term, students are studying the topic of Geography and are currently focusing on where they live. They are learning to identify their street name, suburb, state and country of residence. They participated in Lesson Zero, which required them to contribute to the ‘unpacking’ of our curriculum standards. They also had the opportunity to express what they were curious and concerned about in relation to our inquiry topic as well as what they would like to create in order to find answers to their questions.