Cake and Treat StallΒ 

Community Events TeamΒ 



Hello wonderful Bakers, Makers and Growers,


Wondering how you can help out with the Winter Magic Market?

The Cake and Treat stalls needs you!


Here is some important information regarding the Cake & Produce and Treat Stalls.


The Cake & Produce stall has in previous years been a consistent big fundraiser for the school, thanks to the donations from the wonderful school community.Β 


We'd LOVE donations for these two stalls and they don't have to be fancy! Doesn't have to be baking either, if you have any home grown produce (lemons, limes, winter veggies, herbs, eggs).


If you have a talent for creating craft and artisan products, such as jewellery, pottery, candles etc, we would love to showcase your donations.


Please take 30 seconds to let us know online what you're able to donate. This will allow us to easily collate donations and pre-print the labels for the jars and packaged biscuits and slices. We can then ensure that we don't have to nag/plead/beg closer to the market date! We understand that ingredients can change and ovens can fail so don't worry if you end up making a last minute change.Β


What we provide

Cake boards, tags and jars are available to collect from the office (under the coffee table). Tags are for the cakes only. Please write the name of the cake on one side of the tag and ingredients on the other.


What you should know

  • Drop-off fresh goodies between 8-12pm on Saturday 6th August to the multi-purpose room. This is where the stall will be.
  • Cakes - no wrapping, just on the board and the tag completed. Cakes will be wrapped that morning and the tag attached. Remember, no cream cakes please as we don't have refrigeration facilities.
  • Jars - once filled can be dropped off on the day or to the office from now on. Please attach your details including name, type of product and number of jars so we can match the printed label to them.
  • Biscuits, slices, cupcakes, muffins etc - in a clearly labelled container. Biscuits and slices will be packaged and the printed label attached that morning.
  • Treats - The Treat Stall is all for the kids. Items for the treat stall need to be NUT FREE. Examples include brownies, cupcakes, fudge, crackles, honey joys, biscuits, meringues, cake pops. Please write out the treat ingredients only if it's gluten/dairy free or vegan. Drop off in a labelled container on Saturday morning.


Cake stands needed

We will need cake stands to display all of the wonderful baked goods. If you are happy to lend any you may have please label and drop them to the multipurpose room on Friday 5th August in the afternoon or Saturday 6th August in the morning.


Volunteering on the day

Finally, if you are able to volunteer for some shifts, grab a friend or two and please sign up on 2022 Winter Magic Market Volunteer Sign Up - Google Sheets - it's great fun & a great way to get to know our wonderful community. Time flies on these shifts!



Any questions please email



Donations of whole cakes, biscuits, slices, chocolate balls, cupcakes, toffees, jams, preserves, pickles and produce would be AMAZING. It doesn't have to be fancy! Although we'd love some fancy as well 😁


Thank you!



