Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Amelia D01 MFor accurately measuring the length of items  in the classroom.
Hayden S01MFor an amazing Big write that has wonderful ideas, Wow words and different types of punctuation.
Evie R01MFor applying what is taught into her work and for showing more confidence.
Dylan S01 MFor being an active participant when making the fairytale puppet theatre.
Charlotte  P    4/5HFor encouraging and supporting a fellow student a new skill in sports.
Hannah F4/5HFor excellent work habits and trying her best.
Aprill B4/5HFor a positive attitude towards learning and a great start to term 3.
Callen S4/5CFor his wonderful contributions to our class discussion about our class novel.
Dash D4/5C

For being an all round great team player in PE.


Jaxson F4/5H For being a great assistant in sport fixing the course when it needed.
Finley P0/1TFor being a great sport during PE. Helping his fellow team mates.
Bruce K0/1TFor being a great team player in sport while playing a close game.
Angie R0/1TFor using spaces between her words.
Josh W0/1TFor working hard to improve his handwriting.
Lucas V0/1TFor sharing the amazing story he wrote at home
Matilda M0/1TFor working hard on class tasks.
Luke D4/5HFor great sportsmanship and supporting a fellow student.
Aprill B4/5HFor a positive attitude towards learning and a great start to term 3.
Hannah F4/5HFor excellent work habits and trying her best.
Indi C4/5HFor researching our spelling inquiry at home.
Jonah Y4/5HFor doing some extra spelling investigations at home. Well done.