Student Leadership

I Sea I Care Presentation to Year 1

For Guided Inquiry this term, the Year 1 classes have been learning all about animals, their habitats and the impact humans - in particular their rubbish - have on them. Today the i Sea i Care Team visited the Year 1 classrooms to give a presentation about what they have learnt so far during their time as Marine Ambassadors. 


Lily, Billy, Adna and Kya delivered a wonderfully informative, interactive presentation full of interesting facts about marine animals and the impact that rubbish has to oceans and their inhabitants. 


What did we learn?

  • Kelp can grow to 40m long - Indhi, 1A
  • The jelly things you find on the beach are actually snail eggs so don’t squish them - Parker, 1B
  • We need to keep our oceans clean - Isabelle, 1A
  • The Port Jackson shark has eggs that come out of it’s mouth and they hide them to keep them safe - Hamish, 1A
  • Dolphins eat really tiny food. It is hard to find because of all the rubbish in the ocean - Jake, 1B
  • You get to go on awesome adventures - Harvey, 1B