The Leader In Me


Student Leadership Coordinator – Junior School



Leader In Me and Student Leadership 

The current focus of Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw could not have come at a better time! During these lockdowns, it is vital that we apply this habit above all else. Our health and those of our family and friends should be the utmost priority. It is easy to become glued to the screen, keep working away and begin to lose those connections with others. For our own physical and mental health, it is important we set boundaries for ourselves whilst at home. Set time limits on work and move away from the screen at each break. During remote learning, each student is encouraged to use their break times effectively by going and moving, taking a walk, getting some fresh air, and go and refuel with water and food. 


Keeping up social connections can be difficult during these times and of course, in most cases, requires us to be on a screen to FaceTime. The importance of catching up with a friend and having a laugh cannot be underestimated. I encourage each and every one of us to check in with ourselves daily and ask ‘what have I done to Sharpen the Saw today?’


Last week, four Year 4 students had the opportunity to represent Oakleigh Grammar at the Junior Advisory Group, hosted by Monash Council. Our students sat in the council chambers and spoke with Councillor James. They posed questions about our community and brought up local issues of importance. Our students demonstrated confidence, engagement and passion for our community. Their application of Habit 8: Find Your Voice was impressive. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students and it was met with much enthusiasm. Congratulations to Sophia, Aayush, Eva and Tavishhi for your poise, bravery and representation. 


Our Year 5 Leaders are currently putting student voice into action. Each class was surveyed on what they would like to see around our school or voice any concerns they had. Our student leaders have then collated the responses, prioritised and developed solutions where possible. Our next steps to put in place are to action the feedback and student voice. They look forward to showcasing and demonstrating their leadership in this area and supporting the Junior School students.