The Arts 


Head of Arts





Year 6 Art

Year 6 Art students have been exploring the intersection of art and science. They took inspiration from the work of artist Lorraine Biggs-Highly and collaborated to create their own triptych work using pastels.



Year 7 Art

Year 7 Art students have been exploring the theme of identity and relationships in a variety of ways. After a series of expressive drawings and some photography work, students created a portrait which could be a self-portrait like that of the very talented Joseph Kontos, or a family member or friend. We then moved on to explore the theme more broadly, see if you can spot the soccer balls appearing in colour wheel paintings and even into Vipoo Srivilasa inspired ceramic monsters. You can see some of the boys really love their soccer and are keen to express that as a key aspect of their personality. You can see that the year 7s really love their art with many students keen to stay in for more art at lunchtimes.


Year 7 Design students had a lot of fun with Ms Kaam making ANZAC biscuits, and Digitech students love their work so much they come back after school for extra inspiration from Mr Akbiyik.



Year 10 Art

Year 10 Art students have been exploring the theme of Interior Exterior with unique approaches to their subject matter and selection of materials. Some students have chosen to explore their ideas through the medium of ceramics. Stay posted to see how their work develops after it has been fired in the kiln. Athena Sergakis incorporated her love for Pop Art into her graphic pieces. Bridget Maycock explored the theme through an imagined scene from her bedroom window with an AFL match. Can you guess her favourite team? You can see the development of Bridget’s work from her initial collage right through to her impressive finished painting.  Maddox Sharp has demonstrated his talent and patience through his detailed fineliner work exploring the theme in his individual style. 


Year 10 Visual Communication Design students have been exploring a range of design elements as they develop their drawing skills.


Year 11 Art

Year 11 Studio Arts students explore their own theme in individually lead work. You can see two different approaches and mediums used in these Manga-inspired works by Angelique and Stephanie Lazos.



Junior Art

 students are constantly being exposed to new ideas and taking inspiration from a wide range of artists as you can see in some of the wonderful work shown here. Many thanks to our junior school art teachers Ms Tripathi and Ms Foden.




Drama Teacher




VCE Drama Unit 3 Ensemble Performance – ‘Chernobyl’

Our VCE Drama students, Toni Stathopoulos and Ananya Ranjit, under the tutelage of their drama teacher Nick Karakottas, impressed and challenged their audience with a thought-provoking and professionally acted performance on 5 May 2021. 


Students worked tirelessly to create an ensemble performance using the starting point of the Chernobyl disaster. The Unit 3 Drama students wrote their own script and incorporated the 911 tragedy. This was a way to interpret their feelings and the themes of hierarchy, power, man-inflicted tragedy and women’s rights.


Following an excursion to see the professional performance of ‘Jekyll and Hyde’ at Chapel off Chapel, the students were inspired to involve the audience in the performance. As part of their VCE study structure, students used conventions of Epic Theatre and Poor theatre to transform their performance to various times and places, and created a non-naturalistic performance. The talented performers skillfully lead their audience in an engaging and memorable performance that touched the hearts of all who had the privilege of experiencing it.