Welcome to Otane School's  Newsletter

Week 6, Term 1, 2022

Tēnā koutou e te Whānau

This year is travelling so quickly!  Week 6 and we are half way through the term!

As you are all well aware Omicron is in our area and numbers are climbing daily.  School will remain open throughout.  This means we may have to adjust our classrooms at times should we have sick staff members.  We will keep you posted.

If your child is unwell please keep them home.  The teachers have organised online learning for the students should they need to isolate, but please contact your child's teacher if you need any further information.

During the red phase of the traffic light system we are limited with our events and activities.  I acknowledge and understand that it is frustrating for parents and whānau to not be involved in these events or not physically here supporting your children and the school, as we are used to.  Hopefully we can return back to normal at some stage this year.  

We will be trying to have fun mini events for the tamariki so that school can continue to be a fun place.  We will make sure to take photos to share with you.

What's been happening at school??

We currently have a roll of 76 students. 4 classes.  Whaea Tracey in Rimu, Matua Chad in Tītoki, Whaea Seanne in Mānuka and Whaea Nicole in Kōwhai.  For all of you parents who used to come to Otane School as children and have allegiances with your houses of the same names, we have re-introduced them to be the names of the classes.  


 Last week our students took part in a mini triathlon, the tamariki made the most of it, some dressing up and supporting their classmates.  Most students participated in teams but we had a few in Mānuka who wanted to participate as individuals.  All in all, it was great to see our tamariki having fun!

Sports - Term 2 Netball, Miniball and Rugby

Rugby registrations are under way at the moment.  Otane Rugby Club has online registrations and a link to these can be found on our facebook page.  

If your child is interested in playing netball or miniball, (and has your permission) please tell them to let me know.  

Netball can also be mixed gender teams so that might open the door for some of our boys who are not playing anything on a Saturday morning.

Netball for years 1-4 is free of charge this year and all grades start on the 7th May 2022.  

Miniball starts the first Friday of Term 2 (6th May, 2022).  This is usually well represented by our school.  With Netball and Miniball we need coaches, please let me know if you are available.  Quite often we are able to have a couple of parents co-coach, so even if you are unable to commit to everyday we will try and find someone to support you.

Whānau Whānui o Otane School

Our Whānau Whānui, parent support group has had two meetings already this year.  They have been discussing events planner and what we can do in times of COVID.  Our Whānau Whānui do a fabulous job of supporting our tamariki and school.  Please come along to the meetings, meet the whānau and bring your ideas on how to support our school.


BOT - Board of Trustees

Our BOT members are:

 Riley Kupa (Presiding Member), Allen Wilkinson, Blanche Paewai-Ashcroft, Sam Wemyss, Jo Davis (Parent Reps), Seanne Clarke (Staff Rep).  We meet every third Thursday of the month at 6pm.  While in Red we are zooming our meetings

Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events - next two weeks

Week 6 - Technology Yr 7 & 8, all day Thursday

               - Immunisations Yr 7 & 8 Friday

Week 7 - PALs - Physical Activity Leaders workshop at school - Yr 7 & 8


In conclusion:

We hope you are all taking care of yourselves and your whānau.    Kia haumaru te noho.