Term 2, Otane School Newsletter

Term 2, 2022

Tēnā koutou e te Whānau

Welcome back to Term 2, 2022.  I hope that you were able to have some downtime with your tamariki over the holidays and that if you or your family have been unwell, that you have all since recovered.

School dates for this term are 2nd May - 8th July.  Statutory holidays this term are 

 - Queen's Birthday: Monday 6th June

- Matariki: Friday 24th June

Term 2 - Orange Level, Bursting the bubble

As the country has fully returned to Orange level, parents and whānau are able to come back on site.  Masks are encouraged inside the classroom for Yrs 4-8, but not compulsory.  Classrooms will be ventilated as best we can and all the normal hygiene practices will continue.

To celebrate the Bubble Bursting we are having a Whānau Day on Friday 6th May from 11:30 am.  We will have KAPAI Assembly and then some games and activities until lunch time.  We will still have our normal Friday lunches available, you can order Fish and Chips from the dairy and we will have a few sausages on the BBQ as well.  We hope to see you all there if you are able to make it!

Winter Sports - Term 2

 Winter Sports start this term.  Miniball starts on Friday 6th May.  Netball starts on the 7th May, and I am still looking for a coach to help out with the Otane Ferns every second weekend.  Please let me know if you are available or I may need to withdraw the team.

Soccer/Football starts on the 14th May and I am waiting for more information to how this will be run.  In the meantime you can register your child through this link if you are interested.  https://www.sporty.co.nz/chbjuniorfootball/HOME 

Rugby also starts on the 14th May.  Our Otane Sports Club manage Junior rugby and will have all the information for players and whānau.  

Miniball and netball draws will be posted on Hero and Facebook when we receive them.

Just a reminder for us all to show our KAPAI values on and off the court/field.


Whānau Whānui o Otane School

Our Whānau Whānui, parent support group had a very active time at the end of term one.  We are very thankful for the donations and mahi that has been going on.    If you would like to get involved, look them up on Facebook 


BOT - Board of Trustees

Our BOT members are:

 Riley Kupa (Presiding Member), Allen Wilkinson, Blanche Paewai-Ashcroft, Sam Wemyss, Jo Davis (Parent Reps), Seanne Clarke (Staff Rep).  We meet every third Thursday of the month at 6pm.  While in Red we are zooming our meetings

Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events

Upcoming Events - next two weeks

2nd May - Beginning of term 2

6th May - Burst our Bubble Whānau Day

In conclusion:

Sorry about the lack of photos in this newsletter but once we are back at school there will be lots.

We hope you are all taking care of yourselves and your whānau.    Kia haumaru te noho.