From the Assistant Principal

I see you...

I see you out there Kalinda parents, carers, grandparents and friends. I see you doing the very best you can do, in every moment in every day. Some days that might be multi-tasking your way around your own jobs, household chores, supervising learning, managing restless siblings, caring for family from afar....and other days - it's getting out of bed in the morning and making it all the way to nighttime with everyone clothed (mostly) and fed (something, anything). If your children know that they are loved then BOTH of these days are victory for you my friend, you can only do the very best that you can do. 


I see you, and I appreciate everything you are doing - I hope you do too. 

Digital Wellbeing

We were really pleased to welcome Martine Oglethorpe ( to run really great information sessions for both our staff and parent community this week. Martine has some really practical and achievable advice for the management of devices in the home, as well as how we can assist children to navigate the online world safely. 


Martine was kind enough to agree to us recording her presentation, it is available for 2 weeks for all Kalinda families and the link can be found via Compass. 


These extra resources below from Martine are extremely timely as our children settle into a (hopefully short!) period of online learning. However, as parents, my husband Mark and I know all too well that the onslaught of new apps, platforms, language and protocols can be really tricky to keep track of. 


If ever I am in doubt about whether I've suddenly gotten 'old' I only need to do 2 minutes research to realise I have virtually no idea about most of what is popular online right now! When once I could LOL or ROFL my way out of a text conversation feeling pretty hip, that certainly dates me now. To be honest, even using the word hip is probably questionable... Oh dear. 


One website we have bookmarked is As parents we really can't go past this website for the most up to date reviews and advice on apps, books, websites, movies and TV shows. At a glance we can check whether the content and capabilities are suitable for our children and I highly recommend you check it out. 


Resources for Kalinda families from Martine at


and of course a link to Martine's book 😊


We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.