This page contains important material supporting our ongoing learning as a Professional Learning Community.

Agreed Staff Norms and Collective Purpose

During staff meeting in week 4 we discussed 'Our Collective Purpose'. Attached below is the summary of our discussion regarding the 3 key questions which guided our conversation.

  1. What is the purpose of education at Murputja Anangu School?
  2. Why is our work so important to the lives of our students?
  3. What are the 2-3 key outcomes that we are seeking for our students?

It was a powerful opportunity to collaboratively unpack why our work as educators is so important to the lives of our students here at Murputja Anangu School.


This conversation will be extended during this week's staff meeting as we co-construct a powerful purpose statement which will drive our work moving forward. The key question we are seeking to answer is 'why is our work important?' We will use a '5 Why' process in an effort to identify our shared purpose.


'What is the collective purpose of our work?'

Why is our work so important?'



EALD Teachers PLC

Staff are also invited to join the EALD Teachers PLC Team which is a growing PLC with enthusiastic EALD educators.


More than 500 teachers across the Anangu Lands have joined the Team since it opened in March 2020.  

Please follow this link to join.