Inews Update 3
VCE Parent forum
Wednesday 10 February
6:30pm - Library
RSVP Kate Challis on 94882332 or by email
Our 2016 Year 11 and 12 students have commenced their final years of Secondary Schooling. This journey can be full of many emotions for us all - excitement, confidence, anticipation, apprehension, nervousness and stress.
Parent involvement is an essential component of this successful journey and we encourage parents to come along to our Parent Forum and share ideas about how we can best support our Year 11 and 12 students in their final years of secondary school.
Shane Gemmola Head of Senior School
Enrolment Policy Reminder
An important reminder to all parents.
Over the last few years, Northcote High School has experienced unprecedented demand for Year 7 places. For entry in Year 7 in 2015 and again in 2016, over 450 applications for places were received, far in excess of the school’s capacity.
For 2016, Northcote High School has accommodated all students for whom the school is the closest, but only some siblings of current students who do not live locally.
The school enrols students into Year 7 in accordance with the Department of Education (DET) Placement Policy. Students are enrolled in the following priority order:
1. Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood government school (measured in a straight line from door to door). 2. Students who no longer live locally, who have a sibling at the same permanent residence who is attending the school at the same time.
3. Students seeking enrolment on specific curriculum grounds, where it is not provided by the student’s nearest government school
4. All other students are prioritised by how close their permanent residence is to the school.
In light of population growth projections, including increasing higher density in the inner suburbs, it is likely there will continue to be very few curriculum claims accepted. It is also likely that siblings of current students, whose families do not live locally, will not be accepted for Year 7 in future years.
School Council has approved a revised enrolment policy, which can be read online on our website.