Learning and Teaching Update

'We aim to provide a school environment where ‘Every person can flourish and be known’ This means that our teaching program identifies the unique needs of each individual student, and delivers a learning program designed to grow them into the best person that they can be'.

Dear Parents and Carers


We find ourselves in this lockdown yet again, only this time there seems to be a sense of calm, preparedness that pervades the school.


Yesterday, the Leadership team met with the SPEL Leaders, Deana Portia, Kirsty Platon, Alison Gracie and Morgan Schorer at 10:00am to get ourselves ready for what seemed to be at the time, a possible lockdown! We planned together for what learning we were going to support our students with over the next week. These Leaders spun into action, prepared take home packs, home learning activities and discussed how to help all students to access whatever learning will be shared online via Class Dojo on Monday.


Over the next week, Class Dojo will be the platform all learning is shared for your child to access at home. So, please ensure you are connected with this platform. Contact the school on 95460044 if you have any questions or issues with Class Dojo.


The Teachers will also be inviting your child to join in a Class Meet next week to ensure the students can see each other and their teachers. The teachers will share the link via Dojo again, so please ensure you are connected.


The learning tasks will ensure your child continues to be in touch with the learning that has been planned for the week. We know and understand how busy and difficult this may be for some parents who are essential workers, or those who are working from home, so we ask that your child do what they can. If you would like support with any of the tasks, contact your child’s teacher during the school day and they will assist you with your query.

I thank you for your support during this time and wish you a safe and peaceful week ahead. Let's all observe the lockdown as that is the only way we can be together again.


Kindest Regards

Glennis Kerr

Teaching and learning Leader