Professional Engagement

Teacher Qualifications
Good Shepherd Lutheran school has a teaching staff of 24 full-time equivalents. In addition, the leadership team is made up of the Principal, Business Director, Director Learning Innovation, Director Junior Primary, Director Senior Primary and Director Curiosity ELC.
All teachers at Good Shepherd Lutheran School satisfy the requirements of the Teachers Registration Board for registration. A list of qualifications and the number of teachers holding these qualifications in the school are listed below. As some staff hold more than one qualification, the number of qualifications will be greater than the number of staff.
Diploma: 7
Bachelor degree: 28
Post Graduate Diploma/certificate: 2
Masters: 8
During 2022, 4 staff members completed the Lutheran Education Australia Staff Accreditation to teach Christian Studies program (EQUIP).
Lutheran Support Officers – Curriculum
Good Shepherd Lutheran School invests more than 155 hours a week directly into classroom support via Lutheran Support Officers who contribute to the academic program in the classroom directly, while 20 hours per week is assigned to the important role of school chaplain.
Workforce Composition
In addition to curriculum LSOs, there are 7 non-teaching staff involved in administration and maintenance. These staff make up 5.0 FTE.
We do not currently employ any Indigenous staff members.
Supporting growth in Pre-Service Tertiary Students
The Director Learning Innovation oversees the support and growth of High School Work Experience students; TAFE students and University Pre-Service Teaching placement students. We see the value of supporting the growth and development of professionals in our broader workforce.