Trivia Success!!!

Back on the 10th of September, NPS held our world famous Trivia night at Welcome to Thornbury.  Many of the following facts can be as hotly debated as the questions on the night.  There was a fantastic turnout, with hundreds (perhaps more like 150) people trying their best to answer Trivia Master Ivan's Interrogations, such as "Which of the following is a breed of cats" and "Will King Charlie III's silhouette on the coins look left or right?


My vote for the best team name goes to the "Morning Corgis" as well as the Teachers' team, "Those who can't". However at the end of the night, the winning team was "#winning" who lived up to their name.


The night concluded with a game of toss the gold coin. Which proved to be particularly challenging with only 2 coins staying on the table, leaving the floor littered with gold coins. Whilst there was a simple "no shenanigans" rule, I personally tried my best to bend Ivan's rules, and the laws of physics, in a vain attempt to get closer to the table and increase my chances of winning. With no success.


After all was said and done, we raised several thousands of dollars. The exact amount escapes me as I write this, but is known by those more adept at numbers than myself. 


A huge thank you to Anita and all the wonderful team that were involved with the planning for the night. Your efforts really paid off.


Till NPS Trivia 2023!


James Manners