Parent's Association

Invitations are open to join the Committee

The Parent’s Association (PA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on the 16th November at 6:30pm at school.  Everyone is welcome to attend and hear the highlights of the year 2022!

Why is it Important? 

As a voluntary-based association we are governed by The Department of Education and Training, run by a committee who are parents and carers of our school, just like you. Our aim is to build a positive community and school spirit, support the principal and school council, and represent the voice of parents and the local community by facilitating communication between parents, friends and the school. The Book of Achievements 2020 shows you about the PA’s events throughout the Covid year. Being a Committee Member is a rewarding role and a wonderful way to give back to the community and our school! Click here to see the PA introduction kit.

How can I Participate? 

You can always choose the level of participation that you are comfortable with. With Committee Members leaving Syndal at the end of this year, including myself, I encourage you to join us as a Committee Member or take up an Office Bearer role – share your skills and experience to achieve our school's mission “Learning Together Towards Tomorrow”. In order to run our PA legally and effectively, we need a minimum of 6 parents to join the Committee as Registered Members and 3 Office Bearers. We have regular events to run throughout the year so you can always choose to participate when you want to. I understand that we are all busy parents and that’s why many volunteers and hands make light work for all of us.

What to do next?

If you would like to find out more about the PA or wish to express your interest in joining the Committee, please take a look at the attached PA Constitution, you may also contact the school office ( or Deane Lam, PA President ( To register as a Committee Member, simply fill in the form attached below and place it in the box at the school office or just email a copy to us.  We look forward to hearing from you!


Deane Lam

President of Parent’s Association 2022