From the kitchen

From Erin & Kristen, Kitchen Garden Specialists


This term we welcomed Year 3 into the kitchen for their very first cooking session at NMPS. Week 1 on the menu was handmade bread rolls served with herbed butter. Everyone enjoyed making their dough, kneading, and rolling it to create the perfect round roll.



We had an abundance of delicious herbs from the garden including rosemary, sage, thyme and parsley.  We added fragrant sprinkles on top of our rolls and mixed chopped herb leaves into the butter. The kitchen smelt amazing! 



This week we prepared Capunti, a pea pod-shaped semolina pasta. Many hands made light work to roll and shape our pasta, then it was ready to be tossed with greens, fresh peas, sprouted broccoli, garlic, and herbs. 

About to eat Capunti
Making Capunti
About to eat Capunti
Making Capunti
A fantastic start to your time in the kitchen Year 3, keep it up!