Biz - E - Kidz Update

Biz - E - Kidz 2023 enrolment and bookings and plans for the new campus


Please see below for important 2023 booking and enrolment dates. 

Bookings DO NOT carry over from year to year. This is to ensure we give everyone an equal chance to access the program and ensure we have the most up-to-date contact information for families.

Booking will be made online through Smartcentral, further instructions will be published soon. 

Bookings Open: Friday 18th November

Bookings can be made online through your Smartcentral account. Please note, you will not be able to make a booking before Friday 18th November at 7:15 am.


Bookings close on Friday 25th November at 6 pm 

Bookings can be made after this date but will not be eligible for the first round of ‘priority of access and will be subject to availability. 

For booking confirmation in the week beginning Monday 28th November

We will confirm bookings or positions on the waitlist during this week. Any bookings received after the 25th of November will be confirmed within three working days. Any bookings received after the last day of school on 20th December will be confirmed when Biz - E - Kidz reopens in 2023. 

Biz - E - Kidz Plan for the new campus

Biz - E - Kidz has begun our planning for the new campus and can report that our intention is to run a before and after-school care program at the new campus for the junior students, while the senior students will remain at the current location. 


The summer holiday program will be held in the current Errol Street campus, and we will aim to open at the new campus when the school does. 


We will keep families updated about our plans and progress via the newsletter and Compass. 


Biz - E - Kidz

Errol Street North Melbourne Primary OSHC

210 Errol Street, North Melbourne. 3051

Ph (03)9329 5529

Mob 0400 838 448
