Sustainability at NMPS

The Sustainability Team is always working to make NMPS a more sustainable school and we are excited to announce that Waste-Free Wednesday will be running weekly at North Melbourne Primary School.  

Waste-free Wednesday 

As a part of Waste-Free Wednesday, we will be running a rewards program for students that bring a lunch that is free from plastic packaging. We want to emphasise that other types of packaging that are compostable such as paper are ok. Also, plastic containers that are used, washed, and then re-used are also ok. Let's reduce single-use wrappers such as these chip packets. They are thrown in the rubbish straight after use!


Each Wednesday classroom teachers will be checking in with students to see who brought a lunch that is free from any plastic packaging. A plastic-free lunch box will be recorded and receive a badge. If students bring three waste-free lunches they will earn their first badge - Corny Colin. If you bring 7 waste-free lunches (4 more after your first 3) you will earn your second badge…named Carrot Cate. If you bring 11 waste-free lunches you will earn your third badge. 



Please note it does not have to be consecutive days. If one week you miss out on a waste-free lunch box you keep building on your ‘score’ in future weeks.

Colouring Competition 

The Sustainability Team will be running a competition to create the badges. Each of these will be sent to classrooms for students to colour in. Then once they are coloured in they will be sent back to the Sustainability Team to judge the best. The best entries will be turned into the badges that students earn.


We really hope everyone is excited to get behind Waste-Free Wednesday! The Sustainability Team is passionate about this project and we encourage everyone to get behind it and help to make NMPS a more sustainable school.