From the Principal's Desk

Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we work, learn and play. We pay respect to Wurundjeri elders past, present and future and extend our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families of Montmorency South Primary School.
Dear Monty South Community,
A special welcome back to everyone as we bunker down and work through the final quarter of the year over the next 3 months. We trust that you have all had a break and a recharge over the spring holidays and have launched back with renewed enthusiasm.
The message to all our students is that we have a strong academic focus in the classroom for the 11-week term and that there is much hard work throughout the 25 timetabled hours each week in the classroom. However, in addition to all the learning, there are many extracurricular activities to be involved in through the term including:
80’s dress up day
Parents and Friends Coco movie night - Thursday 27 October
Two pupil-free curriculum days this term Monday 31st October (day before Melbourne Cup) and Friday 18th November.
Step Up to the next grade
Prep transition program
Xmas Carols
Camps - Year 3 and Year 4
Whole school swimming carnival
And Kaboom Sports day
So much in a short time but we are looking forward to working closely together with you all throughout the term to give your child every opportunity to feel success, immerse them in the busy and fulfilling school life and to come home happy and resilient after each day.
2023 Classes & Friendship Triangles
This week we sent a message informing parents that this is the time of the year we commence the planning of class lists. In order to do this, we ask every student to list three friends they would like to be in a class with. We do our best to ensure that each student is placed in a class with at least one of those friends. We will not be taking parent requests this year; however, teachers are fully aware of any friendship issues that have arisen or you have raised with them throughout the year. These will be taken into consideration by the teachers when they are putting the classes together. Friendship Triangles should be completed and returned to the current classroom teacher by Friday 14 October.
New student intake process
Over the last few months we have welcomed a number of new students to Monty South. Some have moved from interstate or from overseas, and some have returned to us after a period of travel. This relative influx has prompted us to assess and update our intake process to ensure that students and their families are supported during what can be a very unsettling time. Our induction process includes a follow up parent, student and staff meeting and the allocation of a class buddy to each new student. We strive to maintain a positive community feel at Monty South and to ensure that our newest members feel as welcome as possible and that they are supported in any way we can.
NAPLAN & Postal addresses
NAPLAN results were posted to all families of Year 3 and 5 students at the end of last term. If you did not receive your copy, your address may not be up to date in our records. We recommend all families moving house forward us an email so your address can be updated. If possible, please follow up with your previous address to obtain your copy.
Congratulations Adam!
Congratulations to our crossing supervisor Adam Kerr who achieved 20 years of service to the Banyule Community recently. Adam’s friendly face for students and families before and after school every day ensures everyone crosses Grand Blv safely.
Garden & Facilities update and thanks
Tino and Kirstie, our amazing maintenance and facilities duo worked hard over the holidays to plant the 300-400 plants donated (mostly) by Banyule City Council. The gardens around the school are looking incredible. Thank you both.
Rob and Maya Tesa (parents of Sienna, Fabian and Marc) generously supplied labouring staff from their contracting business to install metal bollards and chains around our gardens to protect them while the plants establish. We are immensely grateful for assisting us in this way.
Over the holidays we also had the shade sail installed over our outdoor learning space. We are currently investigating options for furniture to be installed here. Thanks to the Victorian Schools Building Authority for funding this project.
Our pedestrian entrance at Reichelt Ave has been paved this week and looks great. Having a safer, more accessible entrance at this end of the school has been a mission of ours for some time so we are delighted that it is now complete. We have also been able to reinstall the “fundraising bricks” that were placed around the school prior to the new build of 2018/19. The bricks feature messages and names of Monty South families and students past and present.
VSBA funded playground
The VSBA’s consultant architects have finally completed the tendering process for our long-awaited playground to be installed near the Kitchen portable, on the old oval site. We have had the unfortunate news this week that the full scope of our original design has been significantly reduced as a result of delays and price increases. We are extremely disappointed by this result and will continue to work towards achieving a playground that meets the needs of our school and community.
SALs 80s casual dress day – Thursday 20th October
Our Student Action Leaders have planned a 1980s themed casual dress day. Please come dressed in your best 80s style and bring a gold coin. Your donation will support the SALs chosen charity, the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
Scholastic Book Orders The latest Scholastic Book Club brochure was sent home this week. This issue is the Christmas bumper issue and will be the second last for the year. The closing date for issue 7 will be Friday the 14th of October. No orders can be placed after this date. Orders can only be made via the LOOP. Visit or download the app in App Store for iPad/ iPhone or find it on Google Play for Android. If you are buying books for your child as a present/gift and would like Clare to hold them temporarily, please email If not advised, books will go straight to your child’s classroom.
School Uniforms
2023 Preps will be able to book an appointment time for a personal fitting session. A special offer is available for all orders over $150 made from 1 Nov to 21 Dec.
Second-hand uniform sale - Parents’ and Friends’ will hold a second-hand uniform sale on Friday November 25th from 8.30am to 9.15am. Cash only.
Step Up Dates
2023 Prep (Bridges) students Transition Program
- Friday 25 Nov - Transition 1 – 9.30 to 11.30am
- Thurs 1 Dec - Transition 2 – 9.30 to 11.30am
- Mon 5 Dec - Transition 3 – 9.30 to 11.30am
- Weds 7 Dec - Transition 4 – 9.30 to 11.30am
- Tues 13 Dec - Transition 5 – 9.30 to 11.30am
Step Up for 2023 Year 1s to Year 6s
- Thursday 1 December - Step Up afternoon session – 12.30 to 3.30pm
- Thursday 2 December - Step Up morning session – 9.00 to 11.30am
- Wednesday 7 December - Step Up afternoon session – 12.30 to 3.30pm
- Tuesday 13 December - Step Up Whole day
Current Year 6 – Secondary Transition day
- Tuesday 13 December – Whole day
Parents’ & Friends’ Events
Halloween Movie Night – Thursday 27th October, 6-9pm
Tickets can be purchased via the link -
The event will be held in the school gym.
Paint & Sip Social evening – Friday 18th Nov, 6-9pm **$8 tickets now available**
Tickets can be purchased via
Options to purchase a painting with instructions for $55 or bring your own creative project and pay participation fee of $8 only. BYO picnic incl. all food/drink.
Reminder - “Hats on”
We still have many students still not bringing hats to school. All students must wear a hat outside. If no hat, students will have to play during lunch and recess in the undercroft area. Please ensure that your child has a hat this term.
Dates for the diary
Term 4
- Friday 14th October - Prep Breakfast
- Thurs 20th October – Whole school casual dress – 1980s theme. Gold coin donation
- Thurs Oct 27th (to be held in gym) - Halloween Movie Night “Coco”
- Monday 31st October - Pupil-free Curriculum Day (day before Melb Cup)
- Tuesday 1st November – Melbourne Cup Public Holiday
- Thursday 10th November – Year 1 Extended day activity
- Friday 11th Nov - Remembrance Day/MSPS Vocal Ensemble sings at Monty RSL
- Friday 18th November - Pupil-free Day (Professional Practice Day) & Parents’ & Friends’ Social event - Paint &Sip (6-9pm in the gym)
- Week 7 & 8 (15-24 Nov) – School swimming program (details to be advised)
- Sat 26th November - Election Day BBQ & cake stall (volunteers and baked good requested)
- Mon-Weds 28th to 30th November – Year 4 Camp (3 days/2 nights - Allambee)
- Wednesday 7th December – Carols by Candlelight at 6.30pm
- Thursday 8th December – Year 6 Funfields excursion
- Monday 12th December – Whole School Swimming Carnival
- Wednesday 14th December – Year 6 Graduation (Eltham High School)
- Thurs/Fri 15 & 16 December – Year 3 Camp (2 days/1 night)
- Monday 19th December – Whole School Assembly & last day of school (3.30pm dismissal)
- Tuesday 20th December - Pupil-free Curriculum Day
Leanne Sheean
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve