PLT News ... 

Year 2

It has been an exciting start to the Term, with many wonderful events to look forward to in the coming weeks! Students have returned to class with an enthusiastic attitude, showing an eagerness to learn!

Last term, we had lots to celebrate! We worked incredibly hard to publish our posters on frogs, after a week of research, drafting, editing and revising. We invited other teachers and some other classes to come and see our creations and everyone was impressed!

For Reading, we have been practising our abilities to predict what a story will be able about, based off the title and front cover. We have also practise altering our predictions throughout the reading process, as we have learnt our predictions may not always be accurate and that’s ok! We encourage our students to try to make predictions at home when they are reading a book they have not read before, to continually improve their abilities.

This week, we have had the opportunity to study ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ We have focused on our ability to retell a story, by explaining what happened in a story’s beginning, middle and end. Students drew pictures and wrote about the story’s plot. 

For Writing, we used the original tale of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and were encouraged to change certain elements of this fairy tale to make it our own. Our students were given the opportunity to showcase how far their writing has come this year by writing our own Narratives. Students planned, drafted, edited and revised their Narratives, before illustrating important parts of their story. We are very proud of our students’ efforts!

In Maths, we have begun learning about Money. We have explored how various coins and notes share similarities and differences. Students have had opportunities to explore plastic coins to practice counting small collections, particularly drawing on their abilities to skip count. When learning about Chance, students are working on determining the likelihood of events happening, by using chance vocabulary such as likely and unlikely. It would be wonderful to see students practising some of these skills at home, with the help of an adult.

For Inquiry, we are learning about ‘Digital Technology.’ We are exploring what digital technology is and how we use it. Students have been practising searching images on the Internet and have improved their ability to copy an image and paste it into Seesaw. Students were asked to find images of things they love, in order to create a collage about themselves.

Students are also learning about common technologies that they use, and are working on identifying different examples of digital technologies that may be present in our classroom. Students have practised taking photos of different digital technologies and have tried to write about what the purpose of the technology is.

We look forward to continuing watching our students grow this term and enjoying all of the upcoming events!