Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

Welcome back to Term 4 and I trust that everyone has had a restful break before we head into a very busy and eventful Term 4. Term 4 brings lots of excitement for our students through events and celebrations including swimming events, colour fun run, graduation, Christmas Carols etc. It is very important for families to be regularly checking for events and notifications through their Compass app. We would hate to see students miss out because consent forms or payments were not completed in time.


2023 Class Placements

In 2023, we will have the following class structures:


Foundation x 4 classes

Year 1 x 4 classes

Year 2 x 3 classes

Year 3 x 4 classes

Year 4 x 3 classes

Year 5 x 3 classes

Year 6 x 3 classes


We are about to start the process of creating 2023 class lists, in preparation for our whole school transition events later this term. This is a complex process involving a range of factors and allocations. Student and teacher placements will not be finalised until late in the school year. Each year the staff work through a comprehensive process to form classes for the new year. Current teaching teams (including specialist teachers) develop prospective lists based on their knowledge of the students in relation to their academic, social/emotional and physical needs. We wish to offer parents an opportunity to provide, in writing, any special considerations in terms of any special educational needs their child/ren may have. Please be aware that that not all requests will be met. Any special requests from parents in regard to the placement of their child/ren must be in writing and emailed to the school at by no later than Friday 28th October.


Whole School Transition

Our whole school transition program will begin in November to help students prepare and adapt to their new year level in 2023. The school is currently developing class structures and employing staff for the coming year. In week four, staff will be asking their students to nominate four friends they would like in their class in 2023 to assist them to create new class lists. Students will usually get at least one of their nominated friends in their class. In November, students will be placed into groups and will begin our transition sessions. The first few transition sessions that students participate in are not the final classes for 2023, but during these sessions staff are observing students, making changes to groups throughout these weeks in an attempt to find the best fit for each class. Developing classes take a lot of time as there are so many different factors to consider. 


The dates for our whole school transition sessions are:

Thursday 24th November 

Friday 2nd  December

Tuesday 13th December (whole school transition day where students meet their 2023 classroom teacher and classmates)

Friday 16th December


Opportunities for Year 6 Student Leadership Positions for 2023

Student Leadership positions at Clyde Primary School are very highly regarded positions. They are positions offered to students as a privilege and an honour and with them carries responsibilities and high expectations.   

Some of these expectations include:

  • Demonstrating our school values respect, responsibility and resilience
  • Speaking on behalf of the school, at assemblies, Clyde TV etc
  • Gathering student feedback
  • Assisting and participating positively in school events, excursions and camps
  • Positive promotion of our school both at school and in the community, e.g.taking tours for new families, Anzac Day ceremonies
  • Attendance at Leadership opportunities as organised 
  • Assistance in Transition sessions

All of our current Year 5 students will be invited to apply for a Student Leadership position during Term 4, prior to the start of Year 6, these may include School Captains, Vice Captains, Curriculum Leaders or House Captains. Students in Year 5 will be given information about this process in late October.

World Teacher's Day

Australia will celebrate the teaching profession on World Teachers’ Day on Friday 28 October.

Each year, our Clyde PS community shows our appreciation for our wonderful teaching staff. We are so very lucky to have such positive, hardworking and inspirational teachers working with our children each day!

This year's World Teachers' Day theme is "Hats off to teachers this World Teachers’ Day!"

We are encouraging students, their families and the community to celebrate teachers by telling us what they mean to you. You can do this in person, or have your child complete a special "hats off" message to their teacher, using the template available at the school office from Monday 17th. These can then be delivered to the teacher/s on the day of Friday 28th October.


Christmas Raffle

Our annual Christmas Raffle drive begins this coming Monday. We are asking for donations to make up prize hampers to be drawn at our Carols Night later this term. 

Please bring any new items you can donate into the office.

Suggested items include:

  • Christmas books
  • Toys/games
  • Non-perishable foods (no alcohol)
  • Christmas decorations
  • Hand soaps, candles
  • Christmas craft activities
  • Stationary

We would be very grateful for donations to be delivered to the school office before Friday 2nd December. Our raffle will be drawn on 8th December.



We have recently updated our school's Attendance Policy. Please have a read and if you have any feedback please contact Hayley Taylor. This policy, along with our other current school policies can be found on our website here: