Level Low Downs 

Visual Arts

This week in Visual Art, the students have been practising their drawing skills in the form of a self-portrait. These drawings were completed in our visual diaries to see how our perception of ourselves and our drawing skills can change from year to year. So many students have already noticed many improvements since their 2020 self-portraits! Each student had their own mirror to hold, so they could observe all of the unique, interesting wonderful details in their face!


The Prep students have settled into school beautifully! They are doing a fantastic job of getting to know their teachers, making new friends and learning our school routines. Some highlights so far have been spending time with their Year 6 Buddies and Investigations.


Year One

The Year 1s have settled in to the year with a calm and ready to learn attitude. They have enjoyed developmental play through Investigations including making counting bead strings in groups of five and ten, setting up a Farmers’ Market for dramatic play connected to our unit of inquiry, as well as some ‘still life’ painting of plants and fruits. This week our home reading program commences. Students will bring home five levelled take home books and two interest books from the library to enjoy with family. 


Year Two

The children are beginning to settle into the routines and expectations of Year 2. As well as enjoying many “Getting to Know You” activities, they have spent time agreeing on classroom norms of behaviour and discussing the question “What does a Year 2 student look like?”  

Reading at Home 

This week the Year 2 children will be bringing home their reader pack. Class teachers request that the children read at home approximately 4 times per week and return their Take Home Books and Reading Journals to school weekly. The teachers like to check that the children are completing the required weekly reading at home and monitor that children are taking home “just right” books, books that are easy for them. This is so that Home Reading is fun rather than a chore. Formal reading sessions at school are when the children tackle harder, “instructional” reading texts. We recommend that Home Reading be conducted in a quiet and relaxed area of the home, at a time that suits both the parent and child, so that Home Reading is an enjoyable part of the day. 

Year Three

The Year 3 students have settled well into the classroom routines and are enjoying getting to know their teachers and making new friends.

This week, as part of their Inquiry Unit of Design and Technology and Science (Biology) the Year 3 students walked to Long Hollow to research indigenous and native plants.  


Year Four

The Year 4’s are still reminiscing about our first ever school camp trip to Arrabri Lodge. We laughed, we overcame fears and more importantly, we had heaps of fun! From practising archery to collaborating for initiatives, and from reading a map to panning for gold, we experienced so many things that we’ll talk about for years to come. Here are some photos from our camp adventures.

Year Five

Year 5 had a fantastic time on camp! The costume school at Sovereign Hill was a definite highlight. We are busy getting to know our new classes and teachers, and settling back into the normal school routine. 

Year Six

On Camp watch this space!