From the Principal and Assistant Principal 

Progress through our 2020 Annual Implementation Plan  

Development  of our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan 

Each year we take the opportunity to reflect on our progress and develop our priorities for the year ahead. 

Through this process we ensure a culture of collective responsibility for improving student outcomes across the school in partnership with teachers, students and parents. 


Whilst Covid-19  altered the way we operated as a school last year we continued our journey of improvement and continued to identify areas of focus as they evolved.


Our progress towards meeting the goals of the 2020 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) :

* Teachers continued to strengthen their understanding of highly effective teaching strategies and incorporate these strategies into their practice based on the school's pedagogical model. 

*We continued to review, develop and document the school’s curriculum plan which showed a clear relationship between Victorian Curriculum standards, learning goals, learning activities and assessment strategies. 

*Teachers integrated students' interests into the curriculum. 

*Through the development of a whole school term by term professional learning schedule we developed a shared understanding of why and how AIP strategies and actions would be implemented. This approach fostered collective efficacy which strengthened the culture of improvement and shared responsibility for improving student learning and achievement. 

*We provided differentiated programs for students with diverse needs, and Education Support  staff maintained a clear role during online learning to support high needs students.

*The school adhered to a strong wellbeing focus during Home Learning to address the needs of students at risk of disengaging with school.

*Teacher teams collaborated to use data to inform teaching practice, planned differentiated learning sequences and assessments that reflect student needs, interests and abilities.

*Students continued to develop learning goals, and strategies to improve their skills.

*The application of high impact teaching strategies continued through face to face and remote learning.

*All staff contributed to and endorsed our pedagogical model.

*A rigorous assessment schedule, the collection of student achievement data using SPA and the introduction of Essential Assessment-Mathematics and English continued to inform teaching and learning.


Next week we will share the areas of focus for our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan.

The plan will be constructed around three statewide areas of focus:

Learning catch up and extension 

Happy, healthy active kids

Connected schools  

Two  friendly reminders:

Parent Information evenings online throughout next week: 

Dates and times can be found in the newsletter calendar

School Council Elections 2021—Parent Member Vacancies

On Monday all families were advised via Compass that we have five parent member vacancies on School Council, with a two year term of office.  No special experience is required, just an interest in the school and a desire to work in partnership with others to help shape our school’s future. 


Interested parents can collect a nomination form at the front office and return it to the office by 4pm on Monday 15 February, 2021.  If there are more nominations received than there are vacancies on council, a ballot will be conducted during the two weeks after the call for nominations has closed.  Please contact the school if you require further information.


What is a school council and what does it do?

All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. School Councillors work as a team to establish the broad direction and vision of a school within guidelines provided by the Department of Education (DET). Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7.00pm and all members are expected to be involved with one or more sub-committees that meet one morning each month.

Year 6 Merricks Camp

Our Year 6 students have had a wonderful experience while on camp on the Mornington Peninsula.

On the school Facebook page, parents can view photos of the students participating in a broad range of events and activities.

Quote of the Week: Camping

I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my sense put in order.

John Burroughs, Conservationist

Gratitude and Mindfulness

What are three things that went well for you today?

What are the best things that happened to you today?

Who are you most grateful for and why?

What are you looking forward to most about tomorrow?


Sheryl Skewes                                       Ellen Wilson

Principal                                                  Assistant Principal