Classroom News & Student Awards

Classroom News

Junior Class - Mrs Creek

Mornings with Mrs Creek included a big book titled ‘Grumpy Bear’. The Year-1s acted this story for the Foundation students to enjoy. Ask your child about the surprise ending. Writing is our focus area for this week. All students can draw and talk about their day’s writing topic. Developing the ability to state your story sequence is an essential component of becoming a writer. So whilst some students are learning to draw, retell and copy words, others are being instructed in the story grammar writer’s outline. This includes creating a setting (who is in the story, where are they, and when is the story happening; then moving into the kick-off (what happens to the characters). 

Middle Class - Miss Williams

In the 2/3 classroom this week, we have been continuing on with place value in maths using the Stepping Stones program. The Year 2’s and 3’s are getting very good with the structure of our maths lesson and love to fill in their mental maths books when they are either waiting to come to a group with me or after they finish their work. In reading we have been looking at ‘Wilfrid Gordon MacDonald Partridge’ and have discussed memories and people that we know who are elderly. We heard about Miss Williams’ Great Grandmother who lived until she was 102 and discussed memories we have with our family members. In Writing we have been using our knowledge from the last two weeks about types of sentences and conjunctions to start to create interesting sentences in a story. We used the Story Grammar marker to write a story together and use all our interesting words and sentences in it. 

Senior Class - Miss Walker

This week we’ve been doing some testing to help establish where our strengths and weaknesses lie within reading. We’ve also been working on our routine during reading groups. The class has been having lots of fun with Ms. Murphy doing ‘Readers Theatre’ and bringing a script to life! In writing we’ve touched on prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses to extend our sentences - excellent preparation for our upcoming unit on narrative. 

Little Joey

This week we continue to acknowledge the significant role of the "Brown Joeys" in the establishment of St Patrick's School, and recognised Ben and Thar Sue with Little Joey awards.  

Our Little Joeys receive a certificate, sticker and a voucher/goods donated by a local business.  This week's vouchers were donated by Wimmera Bakery and Cambrelle's.  We are very grateful for the contributions from our local businesses.