Health and Wellbeing News 

From Thursday 4th February, visitors to school sites must wear masks when indoors. 

Please do not ignore this email. This is of significant importance and needs your immediate attention.

Asthma Action Plans 

Individual Asthma Action Plans (for each student diagnosed with asthma)Any student with asthma that does not have a current (dated within 12 months) Victorian School Asthma Action Plan and required medications at school, will not be able to attend any event offsite such as excursions, sporting events and camps.  


Parents or carers must provide the school with an Asthma Action Plan completed by the student’s medical practitioner. The plan must outline the student's known triggers and the emergency procedures to be taken in the event of an asthma flare-up or attack.


All Asthma Plans are required by COB Wednesday 17th February.Note:  The first excursion for 2021 is Wednesday 24th February - House Swimming Carnival.  


Parents or carers and the student’s general practitioner (GP) should annually complete or review each student’s Asthma Action Plan. The Asthma Action Plan should contain:

  • the prescribed medication taken and when it is to be administered (for example, on a regular basis, as premedication to exercise or it if the student is experiencing symptoms)
  • emergency contact details
  • contact details of the student’s medical or health practitioner
  • details about deteriorating asthma including signs to recognise worsening symptoms, what to do during an attack or medication to be used

This link will enable your child's doctor to edit the form online before printing.  Hard copies of the required form are available at the front office on request.

Allergy Action Plan (ASCIA)

Any student with an allergy to a food, insect or medication that does not have a current ASCIA Action Plan and required medications at school, will not be able to attend any event offsite such as excursions, sporting events and camps.  


All ASCIA Action Plans are required by COB Wednesday 17th February.Note:  The first excursion for 2021 is Wednesday 24th February - House Swimming Carnival.   


Students with a mild or moderate allergy to a food or insect and those with medication allergy should have a Green Plan, students with Anaphylaxis should have a Red Plan that has been completed by the student’s medical practitioner. 


colour copy must be provided to the school by the student’s parents or guardians. Plans need to be reviewed annually or if the student's medical condition changes. 


Any questions, please contact Sue Fiala (First Aid Officer) at

Smile Squad 

Consent forms distributed 040221

As previously stated, the Monash Health Smile Squad Dental Team will be returning to Cranbourne South Primary in February.

Consent packs were distributed to all students today.  Parents are required to complete the consent forms for each child they wish to be seen by the dental team.

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 previous consent forms completed for the 2020 visit have now expired. All dental consent forms are to be returned to the Office by Wednesday, 10 February 2021. 

Healthy Lunchbox Week is happening from 7 -13 February, just in time to help set families up for a year of healthy lunchboxes.

Nutrition Australia's 

Healthy Lunchbox Week website is a hub of nutritious lunchbox tips, videos and recipes free for schools and families to access throughout the year.