Wantirna 21+

New Bell Times for 2021
2021 promises to be an exciting year. Along with no remote learning we are looking forward to the implementation of the new timetable structure which has been designed to optimise the learning experience for students.
As has previously been explained we are moving to a four period day and a one week timetable. This means that students will no longer have to remember if it is week A or B and their timetable will be the same each week.
To accomodate this the bell times have changed as are as follows:
Locker Bell 8.40
Period 1 Start 8.45
Period 1 Finish 10.00
Period 2 Start 10.05
Recess Start 11.20
Warning Bell 11.40
Period 3 Start 11.45
Lunchtime Start 1.00
Warning Bell 1.45
Period 4 Start 1.50
Period 4 Finish 3.05
All students are expected to be at school by the locker bell. This allows them enough time to collect the books and materials they need for period 1. There are two periods before recess so students will need the materials for each class as they will not be permitted to attend their lockers between classes.
Periods will be 75 minutes which is the model adopted by many schools in the state. This is the optimum time to allow for in depth learning and student concentration.
Andrew Lewis
Assistant Principal