Community Events Team 

Community is where humility and glory touch. - Henri J.M Nouwen

A big welcome back to everyone and especially the new BNWPS community members. 


The Community Events Team (CET) is a sub-committee of the School Council that aims to create opportunities for us all to come together, connect and strengthen the support for our children and one another, and to raise valuable funds for our school. 


In 2021, CET’s focus is on the reconnection/connection of us as a community. This will look a little different to past years but as 2020 showed us, the BNWPS community is creative, supportive, and resilient!


We encourage you to regularly read the newsletter and take note of the following dates for Term 1:


Every Friday afterschool an informal play at Jacobs Reserve

Friday 19th March Cross Country 9 - 11am & Ride 2 School Day (afterschool at Jacobs Reserve)

Friday 26th March Arts Exhibition & Wominjika Picnic


These events are unable to be held without community support; if you have a few hours to spare and/or a special skill to share, CET would love you to join us. We meet twice a term on a Monday evening. Alternatively, if you wish to assist with a particular event, we will call out for help closer to these dates.


Please email for more information


Emily Myer and Liz O’Neill

CET Co-Chairs