Learning and Teaching


Below are the Term 1 overviews for each year level.

EAL Curriculum

What is the EAL Curriculum?

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) has mandated a new English as an Additional Language (EAL) F–10 curriculum from 2021. Catholic schools will adopt the new EAL curriculum for planning, assessment and reporting of student progress against the Victorian Curriculum F–10 achievement standards from 2021. The EAL curriculum pathways support equity and access to the Victorian Curriculum and support bilingual and/or multilingual language development for students who are learning with English as an additional language.


What happens from here?

As part of this process staff may contact families to discuss language backgrounds in order to find out more about your family and the students at school. This information will help us in determining if your child will be taught the EAL Curriculum, alongside the Victorian Curriculum. This will allow staff to ensure that we are meeting the learning needs of every child at OLSC.


Parents of students in Year 3 and Year 5 will have received a flyer this week with information about NAPLAN Online. This year NAPLAN will begin on Tuesday the 11th of May. If you have any questions about NAPLAN please email Bec Tardrew btardrew@olscwyn.catholic.edu.au