Religion News 

Today, we had our first Whole School Mass. It was with some sadness that we could not welcome our families to join us in this celebration. However, be assured that you were there with us in our prayers and our hearts! We prayed that God's blessings be with our school community, students, families and teachers. Father also blessed our 2021 student leaders. 


We have begun our preparations for Lent and are learning about how we can be more generous, caring and loving this Lent. Students have been learning about different aspects of Lent and the Easter story, while making connections to Project Compassion and the call to 'BE MORE'. Below is the story of this week's Face of Project Compassion. 


Oliva, 22, didn’t have the opportunity to go to school, and was embarrassed that she was unable to read, write or count. Her business was losing money because she couldn’t add up.

Then Oliva enrolled in Caritas Australia’s literacy and numeracy classes. She also set up a home classroom to teach her neighbours for free, because they were too shy to attend larger classes.

Oliva has now graduated, attendance at her classes is growing, her kiosk is thriving and she is helping her children with their homework. She aims to become a pastor and run for  leadership in the next local election - to help her community to ‘Be More.’

Please donate to Project Compassion 2021 and support people like Oliva’s gain access to education to build a brighter future and live in communities that upholds everyone’s dignity.

You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, by visiting or phoning 1800 024 413.

Sacrament of Reconciliation 2021


I would like to remind all families of students preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation that we will be having a Family Sacramental Evening on Wednesday, 10th March at 6:30pm in the OLSC Sports Hall. This will be a fantastic opportunity for you to prepare with your child for this beautiful Sacrament. Students and families must attend this session. 


The Sacrament will take place on Wednesday, 17th March at 6pm


Please keep the following students in your prayers as they prepare for the Sacrament:



A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates 


Loving God, 


help us to teach our children that you love us 

totally and unconditionally. 

Help us to encourage our children to grow in love 

and to learn how to say sorry, 

knowing that you always forgive. 


Give us the courage to pray with our children 

and to share our faith with them as we journey together. 


We ask this through Christ our Lord. 





Yours in Christ,


Catholic Identity Leader