Principal Update

Well we are just over half way through Term One, and as usual, it has been a busy start to the year. Our focus remains on increasing our teaching efficacy with student learning and engagement at the forefront. This has been enhanced through improved teaching and learning spaces in our early years, improving the environment for play based learning, and a stronger focus on explicit teaching across the school. We have purposely made the move to have less “software” for teaching, and with a more explicit approach and an equitable timetable with improved lesson times, we are seeing some higher engagement levels and less behavioural issues. Our students need to be congratulated for their efforts as we commenced the year.
We have also relaunched PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) which will see the school work with the wider community to embed the values and behaviours that we want to see in our school. We are currently seeking expressions of interest from a community member or two who would like to join the committee. You can contact Rebecca Clarke (PBS Team Leader) at the school for more information. Don't forget to fill in the super quick survey in regards to student behaviour at the school, this provides us with insight on areas to focus and grow on our PBS journey.
We are also very excited to have our new website live, and thank Ellen & Lara for working with Sally Putt 'Sally J Designs' to create this. This will now be managed directly from the school, and be able to be updated in a more time efficient manner. We would love some feedback on the website, and ensure that it is user friendly for our parents and community.
Yesterday was the Secondary Swimming Carnival, with preparations for DISA all in hand for Monday 8th March. We also have our Senior (Yr 11/12) students out at SIDE next week for their annual visit to meet their teachers.
There is also a Protective Behaviours Parents Session on Monday March 15th from 6:00-8:00pm in the Library. These sessions are highly valuable, and it would be great to see as many parents as possible. Our Year 6 to 12 students will be undertaking sessions during the day, with staff Professional Learning as well.