Applied Learning


The 5 C’s: “Collaboration”

What is authentic ‘Collaboration?” How is Year 7 and 8 learning about and developing the skills of a good collaborator or team member?

Student responses to ‘What is collaboration?”

Year 8 – Student:

Year 7 – Student:

Term 1 Stage 4 Digital Leaning Portfolio’s

In 2021, our Stage 4 Applied Learning students are being equipped with Information & Communication Technology (ICT) skills as developing their own Digital Learning Portfolio (DLP) website utilising Google Sites. GC’s fall under a strategy called Collaboration whereby other Google users can create together. Year 7 and 8 are at this stage developing their own sites to develop and present their growth in learning throughout the year and should be CONGRATULATED on their creativity in designing their DLP’s! Well done!

“DIGITAL LEARNING PORTFOLIOS” allow students to track their learning over extended periods of time and are always readily available while paper portfolio’s get stored or discarded often.

Year 8 2021 will accomplish a 12 month Portfolio of Learning at which will be reflected upon with each student and their teacher. 

Year 7 2021 have created their portfolio’s which will continue into 2022, representing 2 years of reflections on their learning in Applied Learning. This too will be reflected upon with students and the Applied Learning teacher staff.

And here is a sample of a DLP from one of our very capable students in Year 8, Luden Hanson.









Term 1 Stage 4 Project Based Learning

Year 7

Positive Wellbeing and Resilience and the 5 C’s

CAPA Music 

As a part of the introduction of the 5C’s, Year 7 explored what the 5C’s smelt like, sounded like and looked like. Responses were amazing!

# Creativity sounds like opportunity.                    # Communication sounds like a bunch of students sharing ideas.

# Citizenship: it sounds like you have a special role in your life.

# Citizenship sounds like everyone working together.

# Collaboration: sounds like you are successful in communicating with one another.