Principal News

Covid-19  (Coronavirus)

Student Wellbeing

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

While the news at present seems to be that this lockdown will be a short one, it’s sudden and unexpected onset has been quite upsetting for a number of people as we remember the stresses and strains of last year. You may find that you or your children are reacting to its swiftness and uncertainty. It has been a reminder to us all that there is still no magic freedom from the threat of the virus and we may face a few short lockdowns as we manage living with Covid going forward.  The importance of getting tested if you or your child has any mild symptoms will help us all keep this under control and minimise the chances of future lockdowns. Staying home when you have a cold or cough or runny nose is advised. 

As we continue to work with and live with Covid 19 in our community throughout this year,  situations may arise that can trigger responses that include anxiety, sadness, anger and frustration, for ourselves as well as for our children. There are many resources that were developed and have been used in the past lockdowns that you may find helpful to access or revisit. The greatest resource of all will be our connections to each other, as families, as friends and as a school community. The staff at Sacred Heart are committed to working in partnership with you to support your children. Please do not hesitate to let them know if your child has found this lockdown difficult and discuss ways in which we can support your child.

The following websites and links have a variety of resources that you may find helpful.  this includes the link to the Triple P program which I have included below.

Triple P Online 

The Triple P Online program has resources specifically on parenting during coronavirus (COVID-19). This free online program includes information on:  

  • how to answer questions your children may have
  • the importance of sticking to normal routines
  • the importance of looking after yourself so you can better care for your children.

To access the program, visit Triple P Online program and select your child’s age range to register. You'll get an email giving you free access to the program for 12 months. You can go through all of the modules or just the session that’s relevant for you.   

Please let us know if there is any way we can help . We look forward to seeing everyone back as soon as possible.

Stay safe and well

Liz Yandell

Wellbeing Leader

Sacred Heart Primary School