R.E News Week 4 Lent

Prayer for Lent week 4 Leader: 

O Lord, we ask that we be completely transformed 

into your mercy and to be your living reflection … 

Help us, O Lord, that our eyes may be merciful, 

so that we may never suspect or judge from appearances, 

but look for what is beautiful in our neighbours’ souls and come to their rescue.

Help us, O Lord, that our ears may be merciful, 

so that we may give heed to our neighbours’ needs … 

Help us, O Lord, that our tongues may be merciful, 

so that we should never speak negatively of our neighbour, 

but have a word of comfort and forgiveness for all.

Help us, O Lord, 

that our hearts may be merciful so that we may 

feel all the sufferings of our neighbour. 

May your mercy, O Lord, rest upon us.

In the name of Christ our Lord.




Our embrace leads to praise.

This is second part of Lent.

We begin to feel the power of the Fourth Gospel.

The "forces" that are opposed in the gospel 

have everything to do with the forces at work in my heart.

He is clearly about to embrace his passage - his pass-over - from death to life.

This paschal mystery is what we are preparing to celebrate.

As we grow in love and compassion for what Jesus is facing for us,

we ask to be prepared to embrace his way, his path, the pattern of his dying and rising.

We ask that we would be prepared to proclaim this gift to others, with great joy

"It was because Jesus did things such as this on the Sabbath that they began to persecute him."


For me.

Come to the waters, all who thirst; 

though you have no money,

come and drink with joy.





Yours truly,

Hedy Carvalho

R.E. Co-ordinator