2019 The Big Science Competition

2019 The Big Science Competition

The Big Science Competition is run by Australian Science Innovations. Students in years 7 to 10 from around Australia apply their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in an online competition in which they can compare their performance against state or national averages.

It’s a 50-minute, multiple choice competition in which questions are set in interesting contemporary contexts giving them real world relevance.


Competition questions in the Big Science Competition are aligned with the Australian Curriculum – Science.


Top performers may be invited to take part in the Australian Science Olympiad Competition or international Science camps.


The online version of the competition will be held at Blackfriars between 20 and 29 May (with a more precise time for will be provided at a later date).


To enrol your child into the Big Science Competition, please forward on to your son’s science teacher the enrolment fee of $7.70 in an envelope labelled with his name, year level, Home Group and Big Science Competition by Wednesday 1st May.


For more information about the Big Science Competition visit www.asi.edu.au


Mr Duro Dobrijevic