Communicating Your Son’s Absence/Late Arrival
Late Arrival or School Absence
If your son is going to be absent from school, or if he will be arriving late, please contact the school before 9:00am by:
SMS: 0438 483 997
Phone: 8169 3915 (Please note the new number) or 8169 3900 (press 1 for absentees) where you can leave a voicemail message.
Please include your son’s full name, Class / Home Group and the reason for the absence / late arrival in your message.
If your son is not present during Home Group / roll call, a text message will be sent to the primary parent / guardian.
If it is necessary for your son to be dismissed early from school, please ensure he has a signed note. He will need to have this note signed by his Class / Home Group Teacher prior to signing out at the Student Office.
Note: ELC children absences / late arrivals should be communicated directly to the Early Learning Centre by telephoning 8169 3955 after 7:30am.