From the Deputy Principal, Secondary
The weather was perfect at this week’s Secondary Athletics Carnival!
From the Deputy Principal, Secondary
The weather was perfect at this week’s Secondary Athletics Carnival!
Athletics Carnival
We were blessed with perfect weather at SA Athletics Stadium for our 2019 Secondary Athletics Carnival. The boys were magnificent in both their support of their House mates and in their participation. Athletics Carinal is a vibrant celebration of our diverse community.
Special thanks to Mr Brad Baldacchino, Mr Blair Wimshurst, Mr Owen Stanborough, Ms Anthea Osborne, Mr Corey Leditschke and Miss Alison de Souza, the House Captains and the PE Staff, for their organisation of a marvellous day.
Final scores:
Burke/Lacordaire – 2559.5
Denifle/Jarrett – 2411.5
Aquinas/Horten – 2159.5
De Vitoria/Lagrange – 1942.5
Congratulations Burke/Lacordaire!
Student - Parent - Teacher Conversations
You should have received information regarding the login procedures for booking your time slots for Student, Parent, Teacher Conversations today as they were sent home with your son. Please take the opportunity to book, as the partnership we develop with families is a critical ingredient to your son’s success.
The conversations are not built on a deficit model but begin from a strengths-based approach. The aim of the evenings is to keep your son central to the discussion, to ensure that their needs, developmental stage, strengths and perspective are considered and listened to.
A strengths-based approach is one founded on the following beliefs:
• All people have strengths and capacities.
• People change and grow through their strengths and capacities.
• People are the experts on their own situation.
• The problem is the problem: the person is not the problem.
• Problems can blind people from noticing and appreciating their strengths and capacity to find their own solutions.
• People have good intentions.
• People are doing the best they can.
A strengths-based approach does not mean issues or concerns are not raised – rather it includes strengths in the conversation and ensures that the negative aspects are not the sole focus of the conversation. Often solutions to problems can be found when strengths are identified. It can also be a way to enable the conversation to keep moving forward and not become stuck in negativity and helplessness.
Continuous Online Reporting
As we enter the second half of Lenten Term, you will begin to receive online feedback on assessment items which will go towards your son’s final grade. Teachers will give feedback through Marksbooks that will articulate how your son is progressing considering the applicable performance or achievement standards and what he needs to do to improve.
SEQTA is the medium used by the school for communication and I strongly encourage you to download the app if you have not already done so. If you have any queries, please contact Paul Mason at
Catch-Up Evening for Year 12 SACE and Formal Presentation
As you are aware, parents were required to attend a SACE and Year 12 Formal presentation for their son to be considered for attendance at the Year 12 Formal. It was wonderful to see 85% of families in attendance. There will be a final opportunity for parents who missed the session to attend on 10 April (parent/teacher evening) at 7:00pm in Room 15 of the O’Hearn Building (opposite the Gymnasium main doors), thereby qualifying your son for attendance at the 2019 Year 12 Formal.
If you are attending, please confirm with Ms Mandy Goodfellow at The RSVP deadline is Friday 29 March 2019, which will determine if the presentation will proceed.
Mr David Ruggiero