From the Principal
From the Principal
This week we celebrate Harmony Week in communities and schools across Australia.
As a Blackfriars Community we stand in solidarity with the victims and families of the terror attack on innocent Muslims praying and worshipping in their Mosques last Friday in Christchurch, New Zealand. The senseless and brutal attack has horrified our nation and yet it has brought all people of goodwill together and in unity we condemn any form of racism in our society. Our challenge is to create a peace-filled and just society that is built on a foundation of mutual respect for each person; that stands with the marginalised and is inclusive of different faiths and cultures.
On Monday, our School community united together during our regular after lunch meditation with an additional period of one minute’s silence, led by senior students to remember the victims of the attack, their families, the people of Christchurch and New Zealand.
Our celebrations of acceptance and inclusion at Blackfriars are most poignant and restrained in the light of the terror attack in Christchurch. However, we continue to give voice to the vision of a positive, welcoming and inclusive Australia and in this Harmony week we recognise our progress to greater cultural acceptance and respect for all individuals and cultures living in Australia. Whilst much has been achieved in uniting all cultural groups to live peacefully and in harmony, there is always more that can be achieved in bringing us together.
Blackfriars is a culturally diverse school with over 40 cultures represented in our student community. I am proud to belong to such a welcoming and inclusive school. I am committed to providing each student, parent and member of staff with a safe, secure and embracing environment where individuals can thrive and be proud of their personal and cultural identity.
Driver Behaviour on Neighbouring Streets
I recently received a letter from the City of Prospect (Traffic) (dated 13 March), expressing concern regarding street parking on Te Anau Avenue. Te Anau Avenue is only one of several streets surrounding and adjacent to Blackfriars that is narrow and quite restrictive.
Driving through these narrow streets requires caution and respectful behaviour for other Road users and residents, including:
- driving well within the speed limit
- giving way to vehicles and pedestrians to ensure a safe environment
- parking in a manner that does not obstruct traffic movements or vehicle access to and from properties, including not queueing across driveways.
I ask all members of our community, especially drivers to read the letter received from the Council (attached below) and request that everyone adhere to the driving and parking regulations and above all else, own an individual responsibility of ensuring a safe environment for everyone.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Simon Cobiac