Vet Awards

Mullum VET (Vocational Education Training) Cluster Awards

The Mullum VET Cluster awards ceremony took place on Tuesday 17th October.  VET certificates courses are available to all Year 11 and 12 students and have a hands-on vocational focus. Over 1000 students in about 80 certificates access VET through the cluster.  At the ceremony, the highest achieving student in each certificate was recognised.  Wantirna College was well represented in the award winners, congratulations to the following students who won awards.


Lachlan Cowman – Certificate III in Acting (Screen)

Loren Shinkfield  - Certificate III in Applied Fashion

Abbey de Laine – Certificate II in Dance

Alex Sheridan – Certificate III in Design


Lochlan Evans – Certificate III in Design Fundamentals

Tahli Di Fiore – Certificate III in Animal Studies

Sarah Harris – Certificate III in Retail Cosmetics

Matthew Thorne -  Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology

Patrick Witte – Certificate III in Building and Construction

Jackson Hallo – Certificate III in Building Construction


Bruce Churchward

Assistant Principal