Principal's Report
Back from holidays
I arrived back from my extended long service leave this week, and found the school still here, and in great condition! The leaves had come out on the trees and spring had sprung in my absence. I would like to thank everyone who kept doing what they usually do, and kept the school moving forward. Special thanks to Ms Catherine Ford, Assistant Principal, who stepped into the role of Acting Principal in my absence. Thank you also to the rest of the Prin Team for their greater contribution during this time - Mr Bruce Churchward, Mr Andrew Lewis and Mr Shane Kruger and our Leading Teachers. You can relax on your holiday when you know the school is in such good hands.
Farwell to Year 12s, and Good Luck!
Next Monday will see us at Springfest, the big event to say goodbye to the Year 12s as they go off on SwotVac. We will all be sad at their final assembly in the afternoon, as it really begins to hit home that it's the end of an era for them. Six years of secondary schooling will be over in only a matter of weeks now.
We are so proud of this group of young people. They have upheld the ethos of the College - Strive, Achieve and Excel could have been written for them as a motto. At the same time as working hard they have made great friendships, had fun and have seriously given back to our community. We will miss them, but we are really excited to see what they do with the next stage of their lives.
For all those Year 12s facing exams - we wish you good luck, and clear thinking! To the VCAL students, we hope you follow your dreams.
Congratulations to POPA
A huge congratulations to the parents in the Parents of Performing Arts group for the Trivia Night on Friday night. There was a huge crowd and enormous hilarity as teams vied to be the winning table for trivia, or bid for what they wanted in the silent auction, or play one of the many games. I'm not sure how I managed it but I ended up with two lots of cake baking ingredients - my family will be happy! it was great seeing our community having such fun at a night out together.
I won't name individuals as I will miss someone. Thank you to all the parents who organised the event. Thank you to all those who donated the prizes, and thank you to all those organisations who made donations. I am sure we will print all of your names in the next newsletter.
My News
By now you will have heard my news about my new position for next year. It is both a very exciting time, and a very sad time as I begin to think about finishing up at Wantirna. It is a terrific school, with amazing staff, students and parents, so it is going to be very hard to leave.
College Council has begun the process of finding the right Principal to take over from Day 1 of next year. The position of Principal will be advertised State wide next week, and I know there are many great, and eligible, people out there who will apply. I have faith they will find that right person. The Council will form a Panel which is comprised of the President, Joanne Challinor-Rogers, another College Council member, a staff representative, an experienced Principal from another school, and a representative from the Department of Education. They will go through a rigorous process of selection and interview to come up with the right answer, and I'm sure you will all support them in that process.
Sue Bell