Work Experience
All Year 10 students have just completed work experience which is an integral part of the curriculum.
There have been many positive outcomes from work experience with large numbers of students being offered part-time work as a result of their placements and the exploration of possible future career pathways.
Students have also gained a better understanding of the requirements of employers and the workforce and have returned to school with renewed enthusiasm and motivation.
Work experience positions covered a broad spectrum of job areas including hospitality, retail, marketing, hairdressing, childcare, computing, teaching, media, fitness and many trade areas.
We were very impressed with the manner in which students conducted themselves in the workplace and they should be congratulated on their fine achievements.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff members of Greensborough College who visited students on work experience. The dedication shown by staff is an important factor in ensuring that the work experience program is a successful and worthwhile experience for all students involved.
Mrs Campbell and Ms Alexander
The Careers Team