City Discovery Program 2017

Melbourne is a big city. In fact, it’s one of the biggest (geographically) in the world and the fastest growing city in Australia. On top of that, it’s regularly voted as one of the most ‘liveable’ cities in the world. However, what makes a great city? What do the people who live and work in Melbourne think about their city? How can we improve the city and plan for the future? We will discover this!
During week 7 of Term 3, 28th August to 1st September, students will have the opportunity to explore our great city, Melbourne. There are a vast range of activities available in the inner Melbourne area. A few weeks ago all Year 9s completed a preference sheet to determine which faculty area they wished to focus on. The activities that they chose will run on the Wednesday during Discovery week. The other 4 will be organized by myself and other teachers.
It is an exciting week of DISCOVERY and I am looking forward to it as I hope you all are. So watch this space for further information as the term progresses.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on 9433 2666.
Glenn Jenner
Visual Arts/Health