
Bonjour tout le monde

Vive la revolution!!  French at Arlington has undergone a bloodless revolution.


Rather than one single lesson per week, the students will now be exposed to 3-4 x 20 minute sessions every week. This will allow the students to hear and speak French almost on a daily basis.


What else is new?  During these sessions, the students will be introduced to the Gesture Approach technique.  The basic premise of this method is that students learn better when they do something that goes along with the words they are learning.  These gestures are then combined with storytelling, theatre, music and dance to help students remember and speak aloud the new vocabulary.


We will still continue to place a strong emphasis on the development of all the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) through the use of a variety of resources – games, puppets, songs, and quizzes.  In addition, each class will also learn and perform a play – more on this in future newsletters.

We are very excited to launch this new program at Arlington and hope you hear your children at home chattering away in French.


Au revoir


Madame Suzanne et Sid

Suzanne Banfield 

French Teacher