herbert smith freehills mentor program

Life skills, goal setting,

financial literacy,

mock job interviews

and much, much more! 

The Herbert Smith Freehills Mentor Program runs annually as part of the BSC Cocurricular Program.  Twenty Year 9 students are matched up with twenty adult mentors from the multi-national legal firm, Herbert Smith Freehills, to attend 14 sessions throughout Terms 2, 3 and 4. Each session has a theme and these include topics such as Stereotypes, Respect, Healthy Living, and Challenges at School.


The aims of the mentor program are :

  • To develop self confidence
  • To promote community involvement and inter-personal skills
  • To promote team building skills
  • To develop goal setting skills

Brunswick Secondary College enjoys a strong, mutually beneficial partnership with Herbert Smith Freehills, and this mentor program is run every year.  In order to participate, students must make written application and attend interview, and competition for a place in the program is high.  For those who participate, the experience is exceptional, inspiring and very rewarding.

Anouk K
Anouk K




Anouk Kastropil

Year 9

I have really enjoyed getting to know the mentors and  sharing ideas with the group. I have learned that topics are not always black and white; there can be grey area and many different points of view. I have gained many skills in working with others and confidence in sharing my ideas.


Imogen S
Imogen S

Imogen Sharples

Year 9

I have enjoyed meeting and interacting with new people, the delicious food we shared and doing fun activities.


Miles P
Miles P

Miles Ploenges

Year 9

I have enjoyed getting to know my mentor and getting a deeper understanding of topics such as stereotypes, goal setting and how to approach job interviews.

Sasha B
Sasha B

Sasha Byrne

Year 9

I have benefited from the HSF program a lot;  meeting new people and making new friends. I have also learned how to write a resume!

Sienna S
Sienna S

Sienna Seychell

Year 9

I have enjoyed  a great  relationship with my mentor. I have learned how to act in a workplace, professional environment. I am now more comfortable talking in a group setting.

Poppy McC
Poppy McC


Poppy McCammon

Year 9

Working with my mentor, I have benefited by setting goals (life goals and travel goals). Through this program, I have learned a lot about different people’s perspectives and viewpoints in comparison to my own, and about things that I have never really thought properly about, such as stereotypes.


Ruben B
Ruben B

Ruben Bell

Year 9

I have gained knowledge about how to have a better learning experience in school and in the future.


Conor P
Conor P

Conor Phillips

Year 9

Working with my mentor and the group, I  have learned a lot about dealing with issues and planning for my adult life. 


Sabine B
Sabine B

Sabine Barnett

Year 9

I have enjoyed being able to learn from an adult mentor who has had more experience in life. The program has encouraged me to think  more about what I want to achieve in life and how to get there. I have learned how to talk with people and become more socially savvy.  I am so lucky to have had this experience, enjoying  fantastic  sessions and talking with my mentor.


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