chinatown, melbourne

Wanling Zhong

Teacher - Chinese Language


As our Year 7 students are more than halfway through their first-year of Chinese Language study, it is time for them to find out more about Chinese culture, values and contemporary society.


We invited our students to the Chinese Museum in Melbourne's Chinatown, and they enjoyed and appreciated this cultural display - including the world’s longest dragon and other valuable Chinese artifacts on show at the museum. Students were also guided through a beginner Kung Fu lesson where they learned some basic, effective self -defence techniques while being given a brief insight into the history and philosophy of Kung Fu.


Harrison L
Harrison L


Harrison Lalor

Year 7 

Going on our trip into the city was an amazing experience. It was so fun to explore the culture of China. We learned some Kung Fu defense techniques:  how to get out of a headlock,  how to escape if someone is holding you by the wrist and how to defend yourself against a punch.

After the Kung Fu class, we ate some delicious Chinese food - a never-ending supply of food I thought! There was stir-fry, rice, honey chicken, spring rolls, fried eggplant and more. After we had energized with food, we headed to the Chinese Museum to learn more about the culture of China. We  about ancient china and got to see the second largest Chinese dragon in the world - an unbelievable 63 metres long!  It was one of the best excursions I had ever been on.

Caitlin E
Caitlin E


Caitlin Evans

Year 7

The museum was very interesting and educational, especially the part about the goldfields and Chinese dragon. The restaurant we went to had very yummy food and we were hungry after our long morning of exploring. When we did the Kung fu lesson we learned useful self-defense moves.  Overall, the excursion was very fun and educational. 

Saskia E
Saskia E


Saskia Ernst 

Year 7 

The Chinese excursion was fun and interesting because I got to learn more about Chinese culture and improve my Chinese speaking.  I also thought it was fun to try martial arts and learn about the origins of Kungfu. The excursion was really enjoyable and it was interesting!


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